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A Week in Photos: 2022, Part 50

December 19, 2022

Having already missed the first day of Holidailies, it seemed much less consequential when I decided last night that I wasn’t going to write an entry for the 18th. Just wasn’t feeling motivated. Today, though, today I am writing, because it’s time for my weekly photo diary. The structure and subject is there; I just need to fill it in.

Monday, December 12: Sign of the season: the Jubelale is here. Every year there’s a new design for the cartons, with posters available for collecting (many bars around here have at least one). I wasn’t quite sure what to make of this year’s with the amoebas. I went to the Deschutes website to see if it would help, and it did. The artist, Francisco Morales, says it’s meant to convey the feeling of being on another planet that he had when he experienced his first winter after growing up in a place where winter does not mean snow.

Display in grocery store of six packs of Deschutes Jubelale. The cartons are mostly purple, with turquoise lettering along the top showing the beer name and white letters on red along the right side with the brand name. The carton art has clouds, pine trees and mountains in the background and two ameoba-like figures in the foreground, each framed in two open stacked square shapes. The figures are bending toward a sphere or bubble in the center.


Tuesday, December 13: Went to the dentist for a cleaning, which I get every three to four months to help keep gingivitis at bay (thank goodness for dental insurance). Had a couple spots of concern but the hygenist said she didn’t see much build up so I was doing a good job with my home care. She did suggest on the days I use the Water Pik that I also floss the trouble spots, which I don’t know if I can deal with. My reward for using the Water Pik (which I do not like) was not having to floss on those days.

White plastic bag printed with advertising for Colgate dental care products

Wednesday, December 14: Taking a break outside the lodge on the backside of the mountain.

White woman with blue hair worn in a braid and blue eyes smiling into the camera with closed lips. She's wearing a light blue fleece neck gaiter, a colorful fleece vest, and a lilac and grey ski coat. There's snow and a building behind her.

Thursday, December 15: Mr. K put lights up on the front balcony while I was in town at the studio. Might be the last year for these now old-fashioned mini lights that were new-fashioned at one time.

Looking out a window to a snow-covered balcony at night. There are small multicolored Christmas lights strung along the top railing.

Friday, December 16: One of those days on the slopes when visibility is low and the snow ghosts are doing their thing.

Winter scene with pine trees heavily weighed down by snow. The sky and ground are the same foggy white:

Saturday, December 17: This ornament didn’t get into my entry about them because neither of the shots I took were properly focused. But I didn’t take any other photos that day so now it’s getting its moment. This reindeer ornament came from McDonald’s and it’s been on our tree (when we put one up) for years. One of our guinea pigs would boop it with her nose when we’d let her out to explore (supervised, of course).

Plush ornament of a reindeer hanging from the bottom branch of a Christmas tree. Other ornaments can be seen behind it.

Sunday, December 18: I am sure I’ve taken other photos of the day at this same railroad crossing, which is between me and the studio when I go on the less busy roads. This particular train was moving pretty fast, so the wait was not frustrating like it can be sometimes.

Railroad crossing on a snow covered road. The red and white gate is down. A train of hopper cars is passing on the tracks.



On this date in 2021: Disney Reflections
2020: The Wait Begins
2019: Throwback Thursday: Some of You Will Be Able to Hear This Photo
2018: Jinxed It
2017: No entry due to winter storm.
2016: Slump
2015: Modern Maturity
2014: Better Than Not Winning
2013: WDW Day 3: Animal Kingdom
2012: Lace Panel Scarf
2011: The Secret
2010: No entry
2009: Life of the Party
2008: Manual Labor
2007: Livin’ the Dream & Animal, Vegetable, or Mineral?
2006: Holididn’t
2005: I’m Back
2004: Step Out of Your Vehicle & I Was Ready for Some Football
2003: Outta Here
2002: Wishing

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