Three Times Makes a Tradition for Sure
December 22, 2021
This will make it the third year in a row I’ve used my December 22 entry to share one of my favorite views on the mountain, looking across the valley to the Cabinet Mountains in the distance.
I took this alpenglow shot of the view earlier this month. You may notice a for sale sign with a pending banner on it there on the empty lot. Yes, that is the same lot that sold last year. It went back on the market for more than double the price earlier this year and apparently it sold again. I’d be perfectly happy if the new owners also decide to sell the lot to someone else rather than build. Though we did talk to a neighbor who though that the lot didn’t include that tall tree on the left, so maybe even when someone does build, I’ll still have that tree to look at. That would be nice.
On this date in 2020: One Year Later
2019: Quiet Day
2018: Fonts Matter
2017: Joiner
2016: Snapping Photos is Cheaper
2015: Who Are You Calling a Western Stubby?
2014: Bad Santa
2013: WDW Day 6: Magic Kingdom and a New Hotel
2012: Sock Monkey Summit
2011: Not Yet Socks
2010: Reversible Watch Cap
2009: In the Belly of the Beast
2008: Brain Clutter
2007: UFOs
2006: Tech Cat & Accretion is for Losers
2005: Spirit of the Season
2004: I’ve Been Working on the SQL
2003: Not a Weekly Check-In
2002: Planning