December 19, 2016
My goals for Holidailies were simple: write one post for each day of the project and post them before midnight server time. Seems simple, but I already messed up a few days ago and didn’t finish up my entry for the 16th until twelve minutes after midnight server time. Server time is Eastern US time, which was fine and dandy when I lived there but not so much now that I’m in the Pacific time zone. Sure, I should be able to get my stuff together and post before 9 p.m., but some days it’s harder than others, and today was one of those days.
I set an alarm this morning, a rather rare thing in this retirement life, in order to be sure I’d have enough time to make my dentist appointment. Which I did, though not with a lot of time to spare. We had to clean a few inches of snow off the truck and load a bunch of stuff in it to go into storage, and I had to drop a bag of trash off at the dumpsters at the mountain’s transfer station, and it was actively precipitating (snow up high, freezing rain lower down, and rain in town) which necessitated two stops along the way to clear the windshield and wipers so I could see properly.
This dentist appointment was the last one in the series of fixer upper tasks, replacing two fillings on one side and one on the other. The actual work wasn’t too bad, other than having to hold my jaw open so wide for so long, but the prep work getting the rubber dam in place took numerous tries so by the time we were starting the second side, the anesthetic was starting to wear off, so the dentist gave me a booster. Which, because I was in the chair with my head lower than my feet, spread up my face in a way I’ve not felt before. Parts of my tongue, lips, and mouth were numb, sure, but so was the middle of my cheek and the outer half of my lower and upper eyelids. It felt very odd.
After the two and a half hours at the dentist, I stopped at the store to grab some food for lunch, then went to the storage studio, unloaded the stuff from the truck, ate, and listened to podcasts while I took off my finger and toenail polish and put on base coats and painted a nail wheel for my nail polish blog.
It was close to 5 when I got back home. Talking with Mr. Karen about his day and my day, eating dinner, and watching some stuff off the DVR while I adorned my fingers and toes with nail polish strips took me so close to 9 p.m. that there was no way I was going to get a post up before server midnight. Knowing that sapped my motivation, which seems really dumb, but there it is. Ah well, there’s always tomorrow. And the day after that. And so on until January 1st.
On this date in 2015: Modern Maturity
2014: Better Than Not Winning
2013: WDW Day 3: Animal Kingdom
2012: Lace Panel Scarf
2011: The Secret
2010: No entry
2009: Life of the Party
2008: Manual Labor
2007: Livin’ the Dream & Animal, Vegetable, or Mineral?
2006: Holididn’t
2005: I’m Back
2004: Step Out of Your Vehicle & I Was Ready for Some Football
2003: Outta Here
2002: Wishing