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A Week in Photos: 2024, Part 28

July 18, 2024

Monday, July 8: I am spoiled by the views where I live. This is just typical summer twilight scene from my driveway.

Ski mountain in summer, with the runs visible as lighter green grass between patches of dark green pine trees. Pink clouds in blue sky hover above the top of the hill.

Tuesday, July 9: Rode the lift up and did a short hike at the top with Mr. Karen. The beargrass up there is just starting to come into bloom, as illustrated by these two stalks just starting to transition from the corncob stage to ballerina (not actual terms recognized by science).

Bright green stalks in a forest setting. The stalks are topped with white structures just starting to show small flowers at the bottom.

Wednesday, July 10: Did a small portion of trail between two paved roads in the neighborhood and found this overachiever: this sort of plant usually has six-petaled blooms, but here’s this one doing eight. (The internet tells me this plant is called Queen’s Cup or Bride’s Bonnet.)

Plant with two glossy green broad pointed leaves and white eight-petaled flower with slim pointed petals on a forest floor.

Thursday, July 11: The floor project was finally completed (the quarter round wasn’t put all the way around that wall in case we someday need to slide a new laundry center through that opening … it was tight fit.

Brown vinyl flooring in a stone pattern. The base of the warm wood walls is trimmed with quarter round molding that matches the floor.

Friday, July 12: It got warm enough that Mr. Karen put the window AC unit in our bedroom for the first time since we bought it during the heat dome of 2021. It was the only unit we could find, and the only window in our bedroom is a slider, but fortunately Mr. Karen is very handy and made it work, building a stand for it that sits on the balcony and cutting panels to block all around it. It does mean that we can’t close the drapes on that window, which means light sneaks in around the blinds and the panels, but it’s a fair trade for not having to try and sleep in sweltering conditions.

Sliding glass door wall with the right half modified to install a small window air conditioning unit.

Saturday, July 13: Went down to Spokane to hang out with friends. Stopped to pee at a place I don’t usually that had this design on their stall walls. Clever to go with light and dark, which I imagine makes it hard for graffiti inclined folks to find a pen color that will show up well.

Faux wood wall with thin vertical stripes of light, medium, and dark browns in varying widths.

Sunday, July 14: Spent the afternoon with friends in a park in town, where these funny fuzzy flowers were blooming on a bush nearby the patch of shade we sheltered in from the sun.

Pale warm purple stalky fuzzy bloom on a generously leaved green bush.



On this date in 2023: A Week in Photos: 2023, Part 28
2022: A Week in Photos: 2022, Part 27
2012 to 2021: No journal entries
2011: Hey Remember When I Had Goals?
2005 to 2010: No entries
2004: Diet Update
2003: No entry
2002: Reminiscing

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