Boxing Day
December 27, 2022
Family Christmas continued yesterday with a Boxing Day where the only boxes were those of old photos from Joan’s storage unit that Mr. K and his sisters sorted through before we heading out for dinner at a Mexican place with all but one nephew who had to work. We did choose a restaurant close to where he was in case he got off early (he did not, unfortunately). I was quite taken with the bold color choices in the women’s bathroom and made this modern art composition (no one else was in there at the time so I felt okay pulling my phone out).
On this date in 2021: Sad Day on My Mountain
2020: The Yarn That Knits to Fit
2019: Puzzling
2018: Updating My Look
2017: Coincidence
2016: Pioneer Woman
2015: Lights of Winter
2014: Somebody’s Got to Run the Errands
2013: WDW Day 10: Magic Kingdom, Departure, and Reflections
2012: Whole Lotta Readin’ Goin’ On
2011: Sock Monkey Celebrates Christmas & King of the Snow Pile
2010: Sock Monkey Drowns His Sorrows
2009: Slacking
2008: Still Sweet
2007: Super & Out with the Old
2006: Quilt Labels
2005: We Have a Winner
2004: Mantel Arrangements and Other Stuff
2003: No entry
2002: Is it time to go home yet?