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Happy Color Holidays

January 1, 2022

During last year’s Holidailies, I wrote an entry about how much I was enjoying the Happy Color app. Over a year later, I still am. The transition from Android to Apple when I got my new phone went fairly well. I was able to transfer my completed photos and able to re-download the bonus photos from the progress awards. I did have to pay again to keep ads from interrupting my coloring, and in the time between when I paid via the Google Play store and when I paid again on Apple, they’d taken away the free hints for paid users feature, which annoyed me at first but now I don’t mind having to watch an ad to get a hint if I need it. It’s probably good for me to take a break and look into the distance for 30 seconds now and then anyway.

I’ve spent the last few weeks of Happy Coloring doing holiday pictures. There are too many of them for me to do them all in a timely manner, and that’s been a good exercise for my brain, letting go of wanting to collect the complete set. Even though I hadn’t finished all the Christmas ones I’d started, yesterday I started even more from the Holidays tab, choosing mostly New Year’s ones.

This tiger is a bit early for Chinese New Year, but that’s okay:

Coloring book app image of a tiger with caption Happy New Year 2022


There was a vintage postcard:

Coloring book app image of a vintage Happy New Year postcard


There was a city with fireworks for the New Year:

Coloring book app image of a city with fireworks in the sky


And because it’s Happy Color, there was this what the heck image of cat with flaming eyes and holly on its collar being held on a leash by a woman with a Barbarella-esque vibe who is only partially dressed for the winter weather:

Coloring book app image of a cat and a woman and a snowy village


Happy New Year to all of you reading this! May our 2022 bring more joy than sadness.


On this date in 2021: Onward
2020: New Year, New Decade
2019: Welcome 2019
2018: Landing Gently in 2018
2017: Is 2017 Going to Be My Year?
2016: Irresolute
2015: Starting Off Right
2014: With a Whimper and a Bang
2013: Home
2012: 2011 Photo Projects
2011: 52 and a Half Weeks
2010: Meeting the Challenge
2009: Happy 2009
2008: The Beginning
2007: Good Clutter
2006: Done and Undone
2005: The Shoe Said “Love”
2004: No entry
2003: No entry

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One Comment
  1. Denise Says:

    Happy New Year, Karen. 2021 bright spot: seeing you!

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