Sad Day on My Mountain
December 27, 2021
When I checked the snow/conditions report this morning, about a half hour before opening bell, it said one of the lifts would have a delayed opening due to a search and rescue operation. That’s unusual. Was an employee lost? Who else would be out there that early? I thought about the helicopter we heard last night as we were getting ready for bed and puzzled over at the time since it’s unusual to hear one that late unless it’s a life flight, and those come in and go out instead of circling like the one last night was. Maybe that helicopter was searching for the same person or people as the operation the lift was closed for? If that was the case, it wasn’t likely to end with good news, as cold as it was last night.
I went out and skied in the afternoon but didn’t pay attention to when/if that lift reopened. It’s a holiday week, so it was crowded, especially in the lodge. I’ve been spending as little time indoors as possible so didn’t hear anyone talking about the search. After I got home and did some shoveling, I checked Facebook and saw the news that a snowboarder who was reported missing yesterday afternoon had been found on the mountain this morning and was pronounced dead by EMS after being flown to the airport in town. So sad. A 27 year old guy came up to enjoy the abundance of snow we’ve had and now won’t get to do that or anything else ever again. I feel for his family and friends. I feel for the patrollers and other search and rescue crew who weren’t able to save him.
On this date in 2020: The Yarn That Knits to Fit
2019: Puzzling
2018: Updating My Look
2017: Coincidence
2016: Pioneer Woman
2015: Lights of Winter
2014: Somebody’s Got to Run the Errands
2013: WDW Day 10: Magic Kingdom, Departure, and Reflections
2012: Whole Lotta Readin’ Goin’ On
2011: Sock Monkey Celebrates Christmas & King of the Snow Pile
2010: Sock Monkey Drowns His Sorrows
2009: Slacking
2008: Still Sweet
2007: Super & Out with the Old
2006: Quilt Labels
2005: We Have a Winner
2004: Mantel Arrangements and Other Stuff
2003: No entry
2002: Is it time to go home yet?