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Archive for the ‘Holidailies 2022’ Category

Still Happily Coloring

December 31, 2022

I wrapped up last year’s Holidailies with some pictures from and words about the Happy Color app, which I noted I was still engaged with after more than a year. Well, Happy Color and I continue to be a thing.

These past few months, I’ve mostly been focused on holiday pictures: first Halloween, then Thanksgiving, then Hanukkah and Christmas, now Kwanzaa and New Year’s but also still Christmas. In between there have been some other holidays Happy Color chose to mark, either on the Holidays tab or with Bonus pictures or both, such as International Artist’s Day, the Melbourne Cup, Veterans Day, Remembrance Day, International Men’s Day, Children’s Day, and Cookie Day. I aim to do at least all the ones that note the holiday name in the picture. For Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Hannukah, I set and met a goal to do all the prior year’s Holidays and Bonus pictures that I hadn’t before. I was planning to do the same for Christmas, but there are just too many. Maybe I’ll have Christmas in July to make a dent before Christmas 2023.

I also try to keep up with the Daily pictures, though during December I’ve slacked a bit on that due to all the Holiday ones (not that I’ve done all of those either). Every Sunday there’s a Mystery picture—a blank white page that comes to life as you color, as opposed to the usual ones that have outlines that get filled in. I aim to do those as soon as I can so I don’t get spoiled on one of my Happy Color Facebook groups.

I like to color pictures in pairs that have some commonality between them. This is a new-ish habit, developed sometime this year because I like making the connections and like how the pairs look next to each other in the Completed tab. Sometimes it’s a tenuous link; sometimes they are almost identical twins. Below are some examples of pairings I did with Hanukkah pictures.

Screenshot showing six nearly completed pictures from the Happy Color app. Top row of two are dominated by blue and show various Hanukkah symbols. Next row shows realistic boys lighting a menorah. Bottom row shows cartoony figures with menorahs and other Hanukkah symbols.

Sometimes I’ll have done a pair and a new picture comes out that makes an even more pleasing pair with one of the ones I’ve already colored, so I re-do them both with new partners. It helps that I haven’t yet gotten the Achievement for replaying 240 pictures. The reward for that? More Bonus pictures. I’ve maxed out most of the other Achievements and hope that they update the app again at some point to add more levels, as they’ve done at least once before.

Now it’s time for me to stop writing and get back to coloring. I haven’t finished any of this year’s New Year’s pictures yet.


On this date in 2021: Quiet NYE
2020: Wrapping It Up
2019: Fall Road Trip Loop, Part 5: The Long Road Home
2018: There’s Always Next Year
2017: Winding Down
2016: 2016 Photo Project
2015: 2015 Photo Project
2014: 2014 Photo Project
2013: 2013 Photo Projects
2012: Happy New Year a Bit Early
2011: How Long Until 2012
2010: Sock Monkey Waits for the New Year
2009: Finished!
2008: The Year in Pictures
2007: I Am the Champion and The End
2006: Sofa Star Quilt and One of Those Entries
2005: Winter Count–December
2004: It’s an Honor Just to be Nominated
2003: No entry
2002: Not One of Those Entries

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