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2014 Photo Project

December 31, 2014

I’ve just posted the last picture for the only photo project I did this year, a daily diary as part of a group on Flickr. I did this same thing with some of the same people in 2013, and my goal for this year was to not miss a day while interacting more with the group. I’m pretty sure I achieved the former (I scanned through my thread and didn’t see any obvious mention of a miss), but didn’t do great with the latter. I think the continuing Flickr changes contributed to that, but also I feel like I didn’t really click with anyone or they with me. Perhaps it’s that I didn’t spend enough time reaching out. I’ll have another opportunity in 2015, as I’ve signed up for the continuation of the group into the new year. If you’d like to join me, the group is My 2015 Daily Photo Diary.

Here are some of my favorite photos from this year’s diary:

Lake peeking through
Hill of Glory
Beauty and Walgreens
Raked up a lot of beauties like this today
Surely kitten in a rare quiet moment


On this date in 2013: 2013 Photo Projects
2012: Happy New Year a Bit Early
2011: How Long Until 2012
2010: Sock Monkey Waits for the New Year
2009: Finished!
2008: The Year in Pictures
2007: I Am the Champion and The End
2006: Sofa Star Quilt and One of Those Entries
2005: Winter Count–December
2004: It’s an Honor Just to be Nominated
2003: No entry
2002: Not One of Those Entries

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One Comment
  1. Melanie Says:

    Lovely photos! Happy New Year!

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