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A Week-ish in Photos: 2022, Part 35

September 6, 2022

Eight days in this week due to the Monday holiday; I didn’t want to split up the long weekend.

Monday, August 29: I took no photos, just some screenshots, like this one of a very colorful parrot I did in the Happy Color app.

Screenshot of a page from a coloring book app showing a brightly colored parrot on a yellow background


Tuesday, August 30: Pulled these fake nails out to put on. I got these because I liked the accent nails with the stripes on them, though I’m less enamored with the combination of those stripes on the milky white background with either the matte pale blue or the iridescent bright white. They were half off, though, so I went for it.

Hand holding a box with a set of fake nails with three designs


Wednesday, August 31: My friend Denise made a detour on her cross country drive home to come see me on my mountain. Unfortunately wildfire smoke (the worst we’ve had this year, for which I am grateful) made the views less photogenic than they could have been, but we still were able to ride the lift to the top and have lunch and see what we could see.

Panoramic view from the top of a mountain with a streak of brown smoke along the horizon at the left side and a lake barely visible in the valley through the haze


Thursday, September 1: Walked down to the village with Mr. K after dinner and saw workers putting in overtime to get the walkway from the parking lot done in time for the end of summer festival starting the next day.

Construction workers laying a paver walkway between two hotels, one of them under construction


Friday, September 2: Kicked off fall fest with two hard ciders and listening to two live bands with Mr. K’s sister Kathy and her husband. (Mr. K had another engagement so missed this first day of festival.)

Woman's hand holding a pint glass filled with a reddish beverage


Saturday, September 3: The day started off smoky but the festival proceeded as usual until something unusual happened: a windstorm with a threat of lightning blew in and the band playing had to stop, then the crew rushed in to lower the canopy over the stage and remove the canvas before the whole thing blew down the mountain. Eventually the storm passed without any significant rain, and the last band of the day was able to take the now canvas- and light-less stage.

Temporary stage with canopy lowered and the canvas roof being billowed up by wind


Sunday, September 4: Our guests left for their next stop, so Mr. K and I headed to the village by ourselves, did some festival stuff, then took the lift to the top and looked for huckleberries. The wind the day before had blow the smoke away from the immediate area, so we had better views than in recent days, but still could see smoke from the fires on the horizon.

View from the top of a mountain across a valley to another mountain where smoke from a wildfire can be seen


Monday, September 5: Had one last cider and meal from a food truck at the festival and took one last ride up the lift for summer season. The view was the best it had been all weekend.

View from the top of a mountain to the valley below where there's a large lake



On this date in 2012 to 2021: No entries
2011: Report Card Monday on a Tuesday
2010: No entry
2009: Harry Potter Socks
2008: How to Be Stupid
2002 to 2007: No entries

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  1. Denise Says:

    The cider looks amazing. Glad the rain blew over and the skies cleared a bit!

  2. Billy Says:

    That’s a nice parrot. I love the fake nails.

    I hope you’ve gotten an email from Amazon. 🙂

  3. admin Says:

    Denise, we’ve had the smoke move in again … can’t see the lake at all sometimes. Glad you at least got a glimpse of it.

    Billy, I will have to look. Thanks for the heads up!

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