Hat on Top, Coat Below


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Archive for December 23rd, 2020

Up Top

December 23, 2020

It’s been a long time since I caught first chair on a ski day, preferring to sleep later and have a non-rushed breakfast, but it’s not unusual for me to be on the mountain late in the day, skiing up to board lifts as the lifties are rolling up and stowing the signs and rope marking the queue. Today I rode up to the top from the bowl on the backside and unloaded just before ski patrol left their station at the lodge up there to sweep that side of the mountain (it closes a half hour before the rest of the terrain). I saw them leave because I’d stopped to take a picture of these backlit snow-covered trees.

snow covered pine trees backlit by late in the day sun


I poled and skated and skied across the ridge, then had to stop to take another picture. It’s just so pretty up there when it’s not fogged in.

snow covered pine trees backlit by late in the day sun


I would have taken yet another photo from the peak you can see in the distance above, after my last lift ride of the day, but the cold had done a number on my battery so I had to just capture it with my mind.


On this date in 2019: Back Out There
2018: I’m a Pot Head
2017: Sometimes It’s the Little Things
2016: Human Popsicle
2015: Mountain Chic
2014: ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas Eve
2013: WDW Day 7: Downtown Disney and Christmas Party
2012: Sock Monkeys Wish They Knew How to Drive
2011: A Trip Down Memory Lane
2010: Headache
2009: True Then, True Now
2008: Pastel Jungle Quilt
2007: Contented
2006: Mr. Toasty & One Glove, All Alone
2005: Winter Count—September
2004: Snow Day
2003: Rail Fence Baby Quilt
2002: Quilting Outside the Lines

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