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Winter Count – September

December 23, 2005

In September, when thousands of people from the Gulf Coast were grieving for loved ones killed by Katrina and trying to figure out how to put their lives back together after the storm destroyed their homes and possessions, all I had to deal with was falling off a bike. Sure, my face and arm and legs hurt and I looked like crap for a while, but compared to the troubles others had, my little incident wouldn’t even show up on the chart. I was rather hoping that by now, almost four months later, it wouldn’t show up on my body anymore, either, but the marks haven’t entirely faded. But again, a few dings and scrapes are so minor as to be hardly worth mentioning when so many people I know have had such awful times this year. Here’s hoping 2006 is kinder all around.

< < Winter Count – August    Winter Count – October > >


One year ago, it was very snowy. Today it’s supposed to get up to 40 degrees F.

Two years ago, it was rail fence baby quilt time.

Three years ago, I wrote about African American and other improvisational quilting.

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