As it turned out, I was right to post yesterday morning, because we were indeed delayed at IKEA and got home last night late enough that I would have missed the midnight deadline for Holidailies if I’d waited to write my entry (midnight my time, not Holidailies time, which is Eastern time zone for some reason). We were not delayed by getting distracted, as I thought might happen, but by not realizing ahead of time that the cabinet we wanted to buy wasn’t something we could get in the self-service furniture area. We wasted much time retracing our steps through the store once we figured out we couldn’t get what we wanted the way we thought we could, finding an employee who could put the right numbers into the computer and print out the right form for us to take to the cash register, then waiting for our order to be picked and put on a cart so we could load it into our truck (this wait gave me ample time to admire the hidden Mickeys formed by the lights in the lobby area). If I had it do to all over again, I’d order online for store pickup and just deal with not confirming our choices in person one last time before buying. There’s a 365 day return policy, after all. Not that it’s in any way convenient for us to get to IKEA, so returning things is not really something I want to plan on.
Today, instead of unpacking from our trip or putting together our new cabinet, Mr. K and I slept in then went skiing because we’d been off the mountain for four days and missed playing in the snow. Now I’m pleasantly tired and ready to wind down and do it again tomorrow.
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