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Archive for January 1st, 2017

Is 2017 Going to Be My Year?

January 1, 2017

As I was last year, I’m waffling on making formal resolutions. There’s so much I want to do; that’s not the issue. It’s the setting myself up for failure that’s holding me back. I pretty much didn’t do anything I set out to do last year. I’ve already written about falling far, far short of my reading goal (and didn’t even mention the Book Riot Read Harder Challenge, which I signed up for and then didn’t do diddly with). I didn’t lose any significant weight. (I’m not sure I lost any; it’s been so long since I was in MyFitnessPal I don’t remember my login information). I wanted to post more in my nail blog; I set a goal of getting back to my previous average of 15 posts a month, but failed to reach that level for even one single month—my high was 9. Now, granted, 2016 provided some challenges, as I’ve mentioned in other journal entries (totalling my car, selling our house and finishing our cross country move, my mom dying), but I feel like I should have gotten more done despite all that. Though given the way my brain works, I’d probably feel that way regardless, so I might as well make some resolutions for 2017. I’ll feel bad or I won’t, but I don’t think the resolutions will tip that balance when I sit down to write next year’s New Year’s Day entry. And if I make some, then I have a chance of achieving them. So let’s go, in no particular order.

1. I will participate in the photo a day and photo a week projects I signed up for on Flickr.

2. I will read 52 books (up from 35 in 2016). At least 15 of those will be in fulfillment of a Book Riot Read Harder Challenge task.

3. I will complete at least 52 action items to resist the hate and poison unleashed by the Trump electoral college victory.

4. I will publish at least 10 posts a month (average) on my nail blog.

5. I will get some exercise at least 5 days a week.

6. I will log my food at least 3 days a week.

7. I will complete at least one organizing/unpacking task each week.

8. I will try one new recipe each month. Doesn’t have to be for the Instant Pot, but probably will be.

9. I will post at least three journal entries a month (not on average, but three minimum each month) here.

As I look over this list, I know I probably won’t do all these things, but I will do some of them, and that will be good.


On this date in 2016: Irresolute
2015: Starting Off Right
2014: With a Whimper and a Bang
2013: Home
2012: 2011 Photo Projects
2011: 52 and a Half Weeks
2010: Meeting the Challenge
2009: Happy 2009
2008: The Beginning
2007: Good Clutter
2006: Done and Undone
2005: The Shoe Said “Love”
2004: No entry
2003: No entry

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