Hat on Top, Coat Below


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January 1, 2013

This last day of Holidailies and first day of 2013 found me waking in my bed at home for the first time since December 21st. Mr. Karen and I road tripped out to Idaho to our ski condo, making stops in Illinois on the way to see family. We flew back late last night. Today I’ve been dosing myself with various remedies to try and fight off the germs I think I picked up on the planes we were on, which featured plenty of coughing people. At some point, I’ll do a real trip report, but for now I’ll simply share one of my favorite pictures from the week, taken on Schweitzer Mountain one of the days we got to ski above the clouds at our home away from home.

Above the clouds


On this date in 2012: 2011 Photo Projects
2011: 52 and a Half Weeks
2010: Meeting the Challenge
2009: Happy 2009
2008: The Beginning
2007: Good Clutter
2006: Done and Undone
2005: The Shoe Said “Love”
2004: No entry.
2003: No entry.

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One Comment
  1. Bozoette Mary Says:

    What a beautiful shot! Happy New Year to you and Mr. Karen.

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