Second Verse, Same as the First
December 17, 2016
In preparing the list of prior years’ links for this day in Holidailies history, I saw that on this day last year I wrote about how very, very far behind I was on my reading goal I’d set. I’d planned to read 104 books in 2015, and was 45 books behind at this time last year. Oh, what a sweet innocent child I was. For 2016, I rolled over the goal, figuring surely I’d be more settled, what with being retired the whole year. Hah. I am, right now, 69 books behind schedule. Ooookay then, not going to make that goal. I will probably finish two more books this year, not 69. There’s always 2017, when I really, really should be more settled. We’ve sold the house in Michigan, we’ve moved all our stuff out, I’ve got a library card here.
I did update my book log with the titles I’ve finished in the last five or so months (I’d not only fallen way behind on reading; I’d fallen way behind on logging). I didn’t give them star ratings in Goodreads because some I couldn’t remember well enough to fairly rate them, and once I got not rating and just jotting down a few words about the books, that felt like the thing to keep doing. Not sure if I’ll stick to that when my reading and logging more closely coincide in time. Also not sure if I should keep the 104 title goal for 2017 or back down to something more achievable until I’m sure I’ve got my reading mojo back.
On this date in 2015: Might As Well Fail Big
2014: I’d Rather Be Limited
2013: WDW Day 1: Arrival and the Studios
2012: Inside the Envelope
2011: Paying It Forward
2010: No entry
2009: Alien Dessert
2008: The Secret to My Success
2007: Done and Undone
2006: No entry
2005: Nothing Ice Can Stay
2004: ABC Spin Quilt
2003: I See You When You’re Driving
2002: Older Than Dirt