In Which the Day Gets Away from Me
December 20, 2014
I can’t quite figure out how it got to be nearly bedtime. I slept in a little this morning, but not a lot, so that’s not where the time went. I did dawdle some getting showered and dressed and breakfasted, but I don’t think I was exceptionally leisurely. Yet somehow here it is going on 10 p.m. and all I can point to having accomplished is going to the library and gotten out of hock with them, trying a new Thai/sushi restaurant with Mr. Karen, and doing some grocery shopping (not even all the grocery shopping, just the bits needed to get through the next few days). I see friends on Facebook who’ve baked four kinds of cookies just today, whereas I don’t even clearly recall when I last used my oven—last weekend to heat up one of the big pasties we get at the free range organic grocery, maybe? I did read some, and try out some nail polish, and browse Netflix, but that’s the stuff I should have waited to do to reward myself for doing stuff like laundry and changing sheets and throwing stuff out from the basement. It’s too late to start any of that now, so I may as well wrap this up and go read some more before turning in, hoping tomorrow will be a more productive day.
On this date in 2013: WDW Day 4: Studios and Magic Kingdom
2012: It’s the Lazy Woman Who Works the Hardest
2011: What’s Inside
2010: Reddit
2009: A Tale of Two Cameras
2008: A Simple Request
2007: Messy Is as Messy Does & Festive
2006: Restaurant Critic Time
2005: Welcome to Where?
2004: Cheater’s Compass
2003: Soon the Sun Will Be Up
2002: One Girl, All Alone