Done and Fun
Longtime readers may recognize this quilt: it’s Skiing in the Trees, which I started in August, 2005 as part of the Modern Quilt-Along. Early on, I made steady progress on it, finishing the top and the back by mid-September of that year, at which time I wrote that the top and back were “going to […]
MQA Progress Report 4
The top is done: I’m not in love with it. I like the mix of fabrics, which includes some Fairy Frost and Lakehouse with their pearlescent highlights, several snowflake motifs, a pine needle print, a few that sparkle like fresh snow does on a sunny day, a white on white stripe to represent the slopes […]
MQA Progress Report 3
I finished the last set of blocks Tuesday night and Wednesday morning I laid them all out on the dining room table in stacks of like blocks: While sewing this last week, I finally realized why I was having trouble orienting the rectangle pieces correctly when sewing them to the strips–and yes, the answer is […]
MQA Progress Report 2
I’ve now got six sets of blocks done: And I’ve cut the rectangles for the rest of the sets: When I’ve got those sewn up, I’ll have more blocks than I need for the large wallhanging size I’m aiming for, but I want to have extras so I can play with the layout. Things I’ve […]
Modern Quilt-Along Progress Report
Over the weekend, I finished my first set of blocks: They went together pretty quickly, so I did a second set and mixed those in: Things I learned when making the blocks: 1) One of the dark green fabrics I picked is actually grey. My excuse is that I pulled it from some strip scraps, […]
Modern Quilt-Along
Not too long ago I was clicking my way across the internet and came across dioramarama, where Kim posts about quilting and fabric and other creative stuff she’s into. Before I knew it, I’d bought two quilting books just because she wrote about them (Denyse Schmidt Quilts and The Modern Quilt Workshop), even though I […]