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Archive for the ‘Holidailies 2015’ Category

2015 Photo Project

December 31, 2015

Wrapping up my year in what’s become a tradition, posting here after posting my final picture in the photo a day project I participated in on Flickr. This was my third year with the group, and while I didn’t miss a day for the second year in a row, I didn’t exactly keep up with posting the photos in a timely manner or with visiting other people’s diary threads to foster a sense of community. (Flickr continuing to change things up in ways that make pages load slower didn’t help.) Maybe 2016 will be my year to really do this the way I want to. If you’re on Flickr, consider joining me in My Daily Photo Diary 2016.

Some of my favorites from this year:

Shadow bunny


James W. at the beach


Thistle and bee


Sunset through the truck cap


First snow



On this date in 2014: 2014 Photo Project
2013: 2013 Photo Projects
2012: Happy New Year a Bit Early
2011: How Long Until 2012
2010: Sock Monkey Waits for the New Year
2009: Finished!
2008: The Year in Pictures
2007: I Am the Champion and The End
2006: Sofa Star Quilt and One of Those Entries
2005: Winter Count–December
2004: It’s an Honor Just to be Nominated
2003: No entry
2002: Not One of Those Entries

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