Hat on Top, Coat Below


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Archive for October 9th, 2023

A Week in Photos: 2023, Part 39

October 9, 2023

Monday, September 25: Enjoyed the spots of fall color near the hotel on my way to the airport. Fall in my part of Idaho is more of a golden affair, so I especially loved seeing the reds and oranges. I was disappointed at the airport that the tunnel of fascination wasn’t working properly but the sign said something about refurbishment so maybe the next time I’m there it’ll be fabulous. My flights home were fine as far as modern air travel goes, which is to say cramped and rather dehumanizing at times. I had a layover in Seattle, and somehow the fish I ordered for dinner turned out to be a chicken sandwich when I opened the bag at my gate but the cheese curds were right so that was fine. My luggage successfully made the trip with me, except my checked bag showed up with one of the pockets open, the zipper pulls nowhere to be seen. Most of the contents were still there, so that was something. I pulled into my driveway around midnight.

Maple tree in autumn with the leaves mostly red with some hints of green and gold.

Tuesday, September 26: Quiet day at home. I liked the cloud layer when I looked out at this view.

View across a blacktop street with a tall pine tree near the center into a valley in the distance. The clouds almost come down to touch the tops of the mountains across the valley.

Wednesday, September 27: I am not sure what I was trying to to take a photo of (or if I was even trying to take a photo intentionally at all) when I created this abstract art, but it was the most interesting thing on my camera roll for this day, so it gets the nod.

Black background with smears and squiggles and soft shapes in blue and white and purple.

Thursday, September 28: A utility crew came to do something down the street. When they were done for the day, for some reason they parked their two little diggers in my front yard. Odd.

Two small yellow CAT machines parked among trees and bushes.

Friday, September 29: So excited to see this sign of winter. It all melted by the afternoon but still a sign of good things to come.

View of ski mountain in late fall, with a medium dusting of snow coming about halfway down the slopes.

Saturday, September 30: Bit of fall color out my back window.

Low bushes with large yellow leaves tucked among ones with smaller still green leaves.

Sunday, October 1: The lake view was particularly fetching at twilight.

View of a lake in a valley view from a mountain.



On this date in 2010 to 2022: No journal entries
2009: Blue Hat, Red Hat
2008: Go Green! Go White!
2007: Ravelry Made Me Do It
2006: Random Weekend Stuff
2005: No entry
2004: Flailing Around in Sweatpants
2003: I Am Not Japanese
2002: JournalCon Part 2—The Fun Begins in Earnest

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