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Archive for the ‘Photo Diary’ Category

A Week in Photos: 2024, Part 41

October 23, 2024

Monday, October 7: Today was the day for taking the boat out of the water for the winter. We allowed ourselves a week before the deadline set by the city we rent the dock space from to allow time for addressing any issues that came up, but it went pretty darn smoothly. Mr. Karen worked out a different way to lower the mast, which was the part of the process I was most concerned about since I’d struggled with that before, so when I was able to do my part without ever feeling like I might damage either the boat or myself I was greatly relieved.

Sailboat on a trailer hooked to a blue SUV in a parking lot. The mast of the boat is down. There's an aluminum ladder set up next to the bow of the boat and the folded bimini cover si leaned against the boat next to the ladder.

Later that night, we were treated to another show of the Northern Lights from our neighborhood, which warrants doing a second photo of the day.

Night sky with silhouettes of pine trees in the foreground. The northern lights are doing their thing; in this case that means a diagonal shaft of pink and yellow between pale green and dusty purple waves of light.

Tuesday, October 8: Getting back into doing stir fry for dinner. Though this mix of vegetables was attractive, with the bright green broccoli and purple and white cabbage popping against the brown mushroom background.

Chopped broccoli, purple cabbage, and mushrooms in a pan.

Wednesday, October 9: Spent some time in town and saw some nice fall color by the studio.

Tree with leaves of orange, golden yellow, and yellow green, with tall grasses in the foreground and a pale blue sky streaked with clouds above.

Thursday, October 10: Mr. Karen had given me a rainbow bagel making kit for my birthday. I decided today was the day to try it. Had I made bagels before? Nope. Had I made any yeasted bread more than a handful of times in my life? Also nope. But I scanned the QR code and followed the directions as best, I could, getting numerous bowls and utensils dirty in the process. Between mixing the colors, letting the six bowls of dough rise, assembling the layered dough and cutting that into strips before twisting then boiling and then baking the bagels, it took all afternoon. I was happy with how they turned out and they tasted fine (for plain bagels), but I don’t know that I’ll be making them again anytime soon.

My hand holding a rainbow bagel that's been torn to expose the round cross section showing red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and dark purple. There's a whole bagel on a plate below and behind my hand.

We had another show from the northern lights, so here’s another bonus photo. The show was less colorful but more dynamic, with lots of flashing lights that we just laid back and watched dance for a while.

Night sky with silhouettes of pine trees in the foreground. The northern lights are doing their thing; in this case that means pale streaks and squiggles of light in pale purples and pinks and soft greens.

Friday, October 11: There’s a group of wild turkeys that tends to hang out near the base of the mountain road. On this day they’d wandered down the side road I often take home from the studio, and I had to wait for the last few to cross in front of my car before I could proceed.

Wooded lot with a warm brown wooden house in the background and a white van next o the drive, with about a dozen wild turkeys milling about close to the road.

Saturday, October 12: Just a fall day on the mountain. The tamaracks are definitely more on the yellow end of the yellow green spectrum now.

Ski hill in autumn, with tamaracks showing brighter green against the darker pines between the runs cut into the trees.

Sunday, October 13: I took a walk along the lake to finish out my afternoon in town.

Lake and hills beyond glimpsed at twilight through trees on the shore.



On this date in 2023: A Week in Photos: 2023, Part 42
2019 to 2022: No journal entries
2018: September Travels
2010 to 2017: No entries
2009: Stories from the Stones
2002 to 2007: No entries
2002: Me and My Uterus

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