Six Tiny Reindeer
December 16, 2015
In the department of whimsy, I spotted these reindeer grazing among some pine boughs in a planter that sits in front of our mailbox here in Idaho. There are six of them (the sixth, not pictured, is some inches from his mates, far enough away that I wonder if there used to be eight tiny reindeer and two have gone missing). I don’t know who put them there, though since the bank of mailboxes is on the non-tourist facing side of the day lodge in the village, just outside the employee locker room/store, I suspect perhaps someone who works for the resort is responsible. I’m also wondering about the holes in the backs of the reindeer—at first I thought they were candle holders, but have since decided that it’s more likely they were once on a string of lights. Regardless of who put them there or what their original purpose was, I’m glad they’re there, a touch of silliness in an unexpected place.
On this date in 2014: December Manicure Favorites
2013: Back to Reality
2012: Not Yet a Tumblr
2011: Big and Bright
2010: No entry
2009: Obsolescence
2008: Socks of the Corn
2007: WDW VI: The Undiscovered Attractions & A Night at the Opera House
2006: No entry
2005: Winter Count—May
2004: Pictures Taken and Not & Froggie Went A-Courtin’
2003: Weekly Update
2002: Unofficial Party