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December 27, 2009

It’s a typical Sunday night here, when I look at my to do list and see so many items yet to be crossed off and wonder where the hours went. I could buckle down and knock off one or two or three things before it’s time to go to bed, but then it’d feel like I missed my last chance to relax before the busy-ness of the work week. Much as I like my job most days, it’s still hella time consuming. So once I post these few sentences, I will most likely not update Quicken or go through my “to be filed” pile but instead will probably watch an episode or two of True Blood and hope I’m more productive next weekend.


On this date in 2008: Still Sweet
2007: Super & Out with the Old
2006: Quilt Labels
2005: We Have a Winner
2004: Mantel Arrangements and Other Stuff
2003: no entry
2002: Is It Time to Go Home Yet?

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