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A Week in Photos: 2023, Part 23

June 26, 2023

So yeah, my catching up fell behind again. I’ve been busy offline, as will be described as I continue to get back on track here.

Monday, June 5: Driving, driving, driving. We woke up in Brandon, South Dakota, and zipped across the rest of the state and into Wyoming, where we stopped for the night in Sheridan. We stopped early enough to have dinner in town, motivated by what a list on the internet declared to be the best pie in Wyoming: at the Cowboy Cafe, where Mr. K and I had three slices between us after eating a full meal. We even had light left to walked around a bit after dinne (though most everything except the bars had closed by then).

Three slices of pie on small square white plates sitting on a wooden table, with a small crocheted potato holding a sign about how positive it is leaning up against one of the plates.

Tuesday, June 6: We returned to the Cowboy Cafe for brunch (and three more pieces of pie) then visited a small cowboy/western themed museum before continuing our drive homeward. If we’d pushed, we could have made it home, but we weren’t in that much of a hurry and the scenery is easier to see in the daytime, so we stopped in Missoula, Montana for the night, arriving there just as the sun was setting.

Sunset viewed through the passenger side of a car windshield. The two lanes each way interstate the car is on curves to the right in the distance. There are high hills on the left side of the road also in the distance. The sky is filled with puffy clouds that look grey in comparison to the brilliant orange of the sunset right of center between them.

Wednesday, June 7: Had a relatively short drive home (with a detour to pick up the vehicle Mr. K had left at the airport when he flew to to Chicago to join me), so there was plenty of time to stop for a leisurely lunch in small town Idaho, where Mr. K got a very photogenic salad (I got fish and chips, which was plated without flourishes).

Salad in a large shallow bowl, which is decorated with strawberry slices arranged like the points of a crown all around the rim of the bowl.

Thursday, June 8: Back to real life, which on this day included a stop at the dumpsters to drop a bag of trash. Except this bear was already there and not too keen on leaving (The electric fence that they put up last summer to discourage bears isn’t up yet this year.) Fortunately my studio in town has a dumpster I can use, too.

Collage of two photos. Top shows a brown bear looking toward the camera with part of a dark green dumpster along the right side of the frame. Bottom shows the bear strolling across the parking lot with the dumpster visible on the right.

Friday, June 9: Walked down to the village. Snapped the view down the beginner hill before the new lift goes in.

View down a ski run in summer, with a lake in the valley in the distance.

Saturday, June 10: Volunteered at Pride in Spokane. There were some protesters, of course, and a government employee who tried to get the whole thing shut down (they succeeded at getting a couple parts of the celebration stopped/altered but most things went on as planned), but on the whole it was a good afternoon with lots of happy faces and folks having fun.

Balloons in rainbow colors hanging from a metal awning

Sunday, June 11: Haircut places are open now, of course, so I don’t have to cut Mr. Karen’s hair anymore like we started doing during the worst of the pandemic, but I am still doing it. Fortunately his hair is very forgiving so I’m able to manage to get a presentable result even though I have no training or experience outside of him telling me what the professionals do when he goes to them.

Small purple plastic bottle with a white pump spray top sitting on a yellow counter. Part of a pair of scissors with purple blades and silver metal ruler are also visible on the counter.



On this date in 2008 to 2022: No entries
2007: Colorwash Quilts
2006: Praise Be To AC and Sad
2004 & 2005: No entries
2003: Out on a School Night
2002: First Love

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