Hat on Top, Coat Below


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Archive for January 10th, 2022

Last Week in Photos: 2022, 1 of 52-ish

January 10, 2022

The Facebook group where I did my photo a day project last year seems to be defunct now. The group is still there and accessible, but no one has started a 2022 thread, and I don’t feel any need to be the first to do so. On Flickr, there’s a 2022 successor group to the photo a day one I’ve been in for years, and I can participate there the way I did in 2021, by linking photos I upload to my hosted space (since I can no longer add photos to Flickr unless I start paying again). I haven’t decided if I want to do that. I have been taking photos every day, though, and decided I’d try posting them here in weekly entries capturing my day to day life. Or rather, weekly-ish. This one will be for 9 days.

January 1: New Year’s Day fell on a Saturday, which is “free choice” day on the breakfast schedule Mr. Karen and I stick to when we’re at home. (I don’t remember how long we’ve been doing that, though it’s definitely a retirement thing since when I was working I ate breakfast in my car most days. The schedule keeps cereal from going stale and yogurt from expiring as each gets their turn on the schedule). I chose to make huckleberry pancakes for us.

Huckleberry pancakes piled on a plate


January 2: Didn’t ski because it seemed like the holiday crowds were still hanging around. Did catch the last of the alpenglow when I went to get the mail late in the day.

View of snow covered mountains across a valley with a hint of pink in the sky


January 3: Ski day. It was snowing. That tends to keep crowds down, as lots of folks don’t like to ski when visibility is lower the way it is during snow storms. I can understand their point but push myself out there anyway because I like having slopes to myself more than I dislike flat light.

Woman wearing a ski helmet and other winter gear with a ski lift in the background


January 4: Back out skiing on another snowy day.

Snow covered pine tree along a ridge on a foggy day


January 5: Went to the studio. Came back to find the green balloon had had its ears deflate while I was gone.

Green Walt Disney World Mickey Mouse balloon with deflated ears floating near a carpeted floor


January 6: Ski day. I put on a KF94/KN95/N95 mask when I have to go indoors (to use the restroom or put on/take off my boots in the locker room).

Woman with blue/white hair garbed in ski gear and a KF94 mask


January 7: Lots and lots of snow overnight. So much that one snowplow had to tow another up the hill in front of our house. My camera focused not on that but on the water droplets on the window; it was below freezing but not by much, which meant the snow was on the heavy side at lower altitudes.

Focus on water droplets on a window with snowplows in the background


January 8: Busiest day on the mountain in 2022, what with the feet and feet of snow from the storm and sunny weather and it being Saturday. I didn’t ski. Went to the studio instead. Snapped this shot of an icicle out my window. It later broke off and fell to the ground.

View out a window at a fat column of ice


January 9: When it looks like this on a weekend, that’s a good day to take off the slopes and avoid crowds.

View of snow covered ski runs on a mountain



On this date in 2008 to 2021: No entries

2007: Joining the Crowd

2006: No entry

2005: Moody Monday

2003 & 2004: No entries

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