Hat on Top, Coat Below


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Archive for December 26th, 2017

Fall Road Trip, Part the Fourth and Last

December 26, 2017

In the previous installment of Trip Report Tuesday (which was on Thursday but it couldn’t really be helped), Mr. K and I spent two weeks in Orlando. Then it was time to head home. We’d been gone over a month at this point, and as much as I like traveling, I was ready to be done. Much like Spooky Monkey, apparently.

Unable to can

The first day of our trip back we made it to Tennessee; the day after that, we made it to Joan’s house in northern Illinois. Our original plan had been to spend a full day there then press on the next, but plans changed and we spent two full days. We packed up and headed out the following afternoon, both Mickey balloons still intact and flying high (well, until we stuffed them in the car, where there was no room to fly).

Packing up the balloons

We spent the first night of the last segment of the trip in Minnesota and the second in Billings, Montana. The drive was mostly uneventful, with the exception of a wind-related detour off the freeway which took us through a tiny Montana town where we glimpsed this tiny radio station.


Then, finally we were home. It was 82 degrees F when we left Orlando, and most definitely nowhere near that in northern Idaho when we arrived.

Home sweet snowy home


I think 46 days might be our longest road trip yet; I really should have been keeping track. I wish this one had been a couple days shorter, as we missed opening weekend of skiing (we didn’t expect it to come so soon—it was the earliest opening in something like 20 years). Still, I don’t know what I would have cut out, and many things couldn’t be moved around. It’s a good problem to have.


On this date in 2016: Frozen Fractals All Around
2015: The Force Awakens But I’m Tired
2014: The Continuing Adventures
2013: WDW Day 9: Animal Kingdom, Epcot, Magic Kingdom
2012: Most of the Monkeys
2011: No entry
2010: Christmas Sock Monkey
2009: Post Holiday Slump
2008: Shhhh
2007: There and Back Again
2006: Not Quite Matchy Matchy & Red Scarf Three
2005: Wait ‘Til Next Year
2004: Alaska Quilt
2003: I’m Dreaming of a Quilty New Year
2002: The Secret Revealed

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