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Archive for January 4th, 2013

2012 Projects

January 4, 2013

I did finish that last book I needed to finish my A-Z reading challenges for last year, so yay for me. I rolled over the book log today, as I had three books to enter for this year already (a day off plus insomnia makes for more reading time).

I didn’t quite finish my photo a day project on Flickr for 2012, as I missed a couple days along the way. I’m not sorry I did the project even though I didn’t succeed at it; I ended up with lots of photos documenting the everyday goings on in my life and enjoyed looking through them again to make this mosaic of one favorite from every month.

2012 Photo a Day Favorites

I did succeed in my self-portrait a week challenge for Flickr. Some weeks, my face didn’t make it into the shot, or if it did, it was a tiny reflection only. I’m glad I did this project again this year and think I will continue even if the group I did it with doesn’t.

2012 Self Portrait Favorites

Earlier today, I found a photo a day group for 2013 on Flickr that intrigues me and am waiting to hear if I can still join them; I have been taking snapshots every day this year just in case. I’ve considered doing a photo a week challenge instead or in addition to the self portraits and 365 group but think that might be spreading myself too thin. I don’t expect I’ll ever become a great photographer since I have so many other interests that take priority, but I do like taking and having and looking at pictures.

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