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Archive for November 22nd, 2011

Report Card Tuesday, 11.22

November 22, 2011

I let this check-in slide until today rather than trying to jam it into yesterday because I was having a worse than usual Monday due to some trouble sleeping the night before (for no good reason that I could figure out).

Last week’s progress:

a. Lose two pounds.
Done. I lost three.

b. Increase weight lifted at the gym.

c. Get in more steps than last week.
Done. Increased by 7%.

d. Clean out two desk drawers.
Not done. I started then got distracted by other projects, as so often happens.

e. Ten photos to Find a Grave.
Did 11 photos (including 9 new memorials).

f. Seven pages and two post-processing steps for Distributed Proofreaders.
Did the pages; didn’t touch the post-processing. I did do some admin tasks for the DP Facebook group, for which I seem to be the last admin standing; I’m not sure what happened to the other folks since I’m spending less and less time at FB.

This week’s plan:
There is no plan, since it’s Thanksgiving week. I will try to keep track of things I do do, and eat less than my own body weight in stuffing.

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