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March 8, 2011


I’m still not ready to do my Weetcon trip report, but here’s a scarf I made for the raffle. Like the scarflet I also donated, this one is from an Iris Schreier pattern I’d made before. It’s called Zig Zag Scarf, for obvious reasons. I used my entry about my first go ’round with this pattern to help me through the confusing spots. This time, I used the decreases as written, and I think it looks fine. The yarn is from Mountain Colors; it’s their Alpaca Blend (50% wool, 50% alpaca) in the Eureka colorway, which I think has been discontinued. Much like the scarflet, I wanted to keep this for myself because I really like the colors, but I didn’t give in to that selfish part of me, so this scarf now lives with my new friend Jorie, who won it at the raffle Friday night.

Weetascarf closeup

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  1. Beth Says:

    It was gorgeous (well, probably still is but it’s far away in Jorie-land)!

  2. Jessi B Woods Says:


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