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Getting with the Times

December 18, 2010

Better late than neverMr. Karen is going on a long driving trip without me and asked if I could lend him my iPod so he could add podcasts to the entertainment options available to fill the long hours on the road. My first thought, much as it pains me to admit, was “but I need my iPod!” I use it in the car and at the gym and while doing chores around the house. (I used to use it to track my runs with Nike+, too, but I’m barely running these days.) Because just saying no was not an option I wanted to take in this case, I said I’d see about getting the things I wanted to listen to onto my phone so he could take the iPod. Yes, you understood that right; it’s nearly the end of 2010 and I, a supposed geek who writes software for a living, had never used a cellphone for music (or podcasts).

I did a bit of Googling and found recommendations for iSyncr, which looked like just what I wanted: a way to sync my Droid with iTunes. Not too long after, I was downloading my first paid app from the Marketplace. I’d guess it was only five or ten minutes later that I was looking at my PC screen deciding which playlists to put on the phone. Easy peasy. The hardest part was waiting for all the files to copy over, as I was impatient to see if this was really going to work. I assumed I’d need to buy new headphones, as none of the ones I had fit my old phone. Instead of verifying that assumption, I instead took my phone and its USB cable out to my car, planning to plug the phone into the USB port in the car that I usually use for the iPod. Um, duh—the phone already connects to the car automatically via Bluetooth. I pressed the media button on the dash and because the Droid is the default media device, the music I’d just loaded onto it started playing over the car’s speakers (note to self: find out how to turn off autoplay). I was ridiculously delighted by this. Next, I successfully managed to select and play a podcast, which just added to my giddiness. Look at me, living in the future!


On this date in 2009: Lady Doctors, in which I did a little research for no reason other than curiousity.

2008: I Am Not a Girlie Girl, in which I got annoyed by gender stereotypes in gift giving.

2007: Oh Office Tree, in which I got festive at work.

2006: No entry.

2005: Winter Count—July, in which Kokopelli danced on bright yellow walls.

2004: Just Another Saturday Morning, in which I share mundane details.

2003: Car Talk, in which we were buying a new car.

2002: Humbug, in which I was suffering from holiday stress.

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