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Goal Wednesday, 8.18

August 18, 2010

1. Stick to the 400 x 4 plan as much as possible.
Still plateaued.

2. Weight work twice; aerobics twice.

3. Weed through some container, any container—box, bag, cupboard, drawer.
Not technically a container, but I did clean out my work e-mail inbox, my Yahoo mail inbox, and my gmail inbox, each of which had literally thousands of messages.

4. Do a page a day at DP and a photo or memorial a day at Find A Grave.
Did the pages; did not do the graves.

5. Do ten post processing steps on an American Missionary issue.

Goals for this week:
(Stunningly similar to last week, you may notice.)

1. Stick to the 400 x 4 plan.
2. Weight work twice; aerobics twice.
3. Weed through some container, any container—box, bag, cupboard, drawer.
4. Do a page a day at DP and a photo a day at Find A Grave.
5. Do ten post processing steps on an American Missionary issue.


This post is part of New Beginnings Wednesdays.

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One Comment
  1. MizB Says:

    Great job on the workouts, Karen! And, the email-weeding, too … that can be a crazy job, I know. I’ve gotten to the point where I skim a lot of my emails and then delete them. But I mostly have emails from online book/discussion groups, so it’s not like they’re from family/friends. I don’t get a lot of emails from them, so I guess that makes it easier. 🙂

    Keep on plugging! You can do it! 😀

    PS ~ loved your comment about me and my treadmill being “buddies”. That cracked me up! 😛


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