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Archive for July 14th, 2010

Goal Wednesday, 7.14

July 14, 2010

1. Stick to the 400 x 4 plan as much as possible.
I’m continuing to do pretty well here; I’m down a pound from last week. At some point, I’ll need to work on improving the quality of what I’m eating, but right now I’m sticking with what’s working for me.

2. Weight work twice; aerobics twice.
Yes and yes. I’m proud of myself for getting up and walking before it got meltingly hot instead of sleeping later.

3. Two small de-cluttering/organizing projects to be named later.
Eh, sort of. I did finally finish unpacking from my June trip and get the suitcases back where they belong, and Mr. Karen and I straightened up the whole house so it was presentable (including me going through the new pile of mail that had formed on the kitchen counter).

4. Do a page a day at DP and a photo or memorial a day at Find A Grave.
Yes, and I even made up for last week’s deficit in both areas.

Goals for this week:
1. Stick to the 400 x 4 plan as much as possible.
2. Weight work twice; aerobics twice.
3. Handle mail on the day it comes in.
4. Pick a box and empty it.
5. Do a page a day at DP and a photo a day at Find A Grave.
6. Get post processing software working on new computer.


This post is part of New Beginnings Wednesdays.

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