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Archive for May 26th, 2010

Goal Wednesday, 5.26

May 26, 2010

This wasn’t one of my better weeks achievement-wise, but not writing about it won’t make it any better, so here we go. My goals for last week:

1. Stick to the 400 x 4 plan as much as possible.
I thought I did okay here, despite another day of conference buffets, but the scale says I didn’t lose any weight this week, so maybe I didn’t do as well as I thought. Mr. Karen and I did have dinner at the new Ethiopian restaurant in town, and I didn’t even attempt to count calories there (though we did have the vegetarian option, so I suppose it could have been worse). I don’t regret that dinner, but maybe following it up with pizza and cheese bread the next day wasn’t the best choice.

2. Weight work twice; aerobics twice.
Did the weights, but only managed one aerobic session. I have got to get moving, but I’m just so tired in the mornings and so busy the rest of the time.

3. Get rid of one box of stuff.
Nope. Didn’t even pick a target box.

4. Do a page a day at DP, a photo or memorial a day at Find A Grave, and complete at least five steps on post-processing an American Missionary issue.
I did two pages, five photos, and zero steps. Better than nothing, but not that close to target.

For the coming week:
1. Stick to the 400 x 4 plan as much as possible.
2. Weight work twice; aerobics twice.
3. Get rid of one box of stuff.
4. Do a page a day at DP, a photo or memorial a day at Find A Grave, and complete at least five steps on post-processing an American Missionary issue.


This post is part of New Beginnings Wednesdays.

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