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Archive for April 28th, 2010

Goal Wednesday, 4.28

April 28, 2010

Oh my, it’s been three months since I last did a goal check-in. That was some malaise. But now I’m feeling better, ready to get back on the goal horse and re-join MizB and the other New Beginnings participants.

Since it’s been so long, let’s take a look at what my goals for the year are—
1. Weigh less and move more.
2. Keep less and organize more.
3. Surf less and contribute more.

I’ve been very slowly taking baby steps to start working on these areas again. I’ve had the most success with “weigh less”. About two weeks ago, I started on a plan which has me eating 400 calories every four hours. The two diets which gave me the idea are both rather structured regarding what the composition of those 400 calorie meals should be, but I’m ignoring that part, at least for now. I’m just doing my best to stick to the schedule and stick to the calories–though on weekends it’s been more like two 400 calorie meals and an 800 calorie one—and I’ve lost about two pounds a week so far, and haven’t even been particularly cranky about the restrictions, since I’m still eating what I like, just not shoving such large quantities of it into my mouth at such frequent intervals as I was before. I intend to keep at this until it stops working, giving myself enough wiggle room so I don’t drive myself nuts with the counting and clock watching.

My mini-goals for the coming week:

1. Stick to the 400 x 4 plan as much as possible.
2. Get into the gym twice for weights and outside twice for some aerobic exercise.
3. Weed out one month worth of magazine back issues.
4. Do a page a day at DP and a photo a day at Find A Grave.

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