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Goal Wednesday, 8.04

August 4, 2010

1. Stick to the 400 x 4 plan as much as possible.
Still not doing quite as well with this as I need to be, but at least I didn’t gain any weight this week.

2. Weight work twice; aerobics twice.

3. Handle mail on the day it comes in.

4. Clean out backpack and purse.
Did my purse, but only got through the front pocket of my backpack, so the larger compartment still has things lurking in it that I no doubt do not need to be carrying around. In an interesting twist, this first week in a while that I haven’t had a box emptying goal, I emptied a box.

5. Do a page a day at DP and a photo or memorial a day at Find A Grave.
Did the pages, and twice the number of photos. I did the photos at nearly the last minute, as I had to get over my unreasonable annoyance at two people who (from my perspective) rushed in and put up hundreds of photos in a cemetery that I’ve been slowly working on for the last few weeks, rendering my photos superfluous for the most part. Yes, that means I don’t have to process them, freeing up time for other things, but it does make me feel like I wasted the time I spent taking them. I need an attitude adjustment here.

6. Do five post processing steps on an American Missionary issue.
Did nine.

Goals for this week:
1. Stick to the 400 x 4 plan.
2. Weight work twice; aerobics twice.
3. Clean out backpack.
4. Weed through some container, any container—box, bag, cupboard, drawer.
5. Do a page a day at DP and a photo a day at Find A Grave.
6. Do ten post processing steps on an American Missionary issue.


This post is part of New Beginnings Wednesdays.

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  1. lisa-marie Says:

    Oh, wow, I totally need to clean out my purse and backpack, too! And, great job dealing with the mail when it comes in. I usually do all my mail on Saturdays, and the stack can be HUGE!

  2. Bozoette Mary Says:

    I’m going to have to institute a “clean out a box” goal if I’m ever to get our basement tidied up. However, I’m going to start with a “think about instituting a ‘clean out a box’ goal”. One shouldn’t be hasty about these things.

  3. MizB Says:

    Great job on still getting in your workouts, handling the mail immediately, and doing your pages and photos!

    Don’t let your 400×4 plan slip too much, though — trust me, I speak from experience… if you let it slip too much, you’ll completely revert to old habits, and then it’s very hard to get back on track. I’m sure you know I have already done this, given how my weekly updates have gone. 😕

    You’ve done so well, though! Think of how far you’ve come, and don’t let that slip away! 🙂 Keep up the great work!

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