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Not Quite OCD

December 10, 2008

Ways in which I am like Monk:

1. I really, really wish the buttons on the sweater I am wearing today were pewter instead of gold-ish. Really. The sweater is shades of purple and shades of grey, and in my rules for color combinations, those hues require silver-toned accessories.

2. When selecting a locker at the Y, I am much happier if I can get one with a number divisible by 5. Yesterday was an excellent day, as locker 55 was available.

Ways in which I am not:

1. I wore the sweater anyway.

2. I am not afraid of milk.


One year ago: WDW , Part One
Two years ago: Just Another Bummed Out Sunday
Three years ago: Tastes of the Season
Four years ago: no entry
Five years ago: It’s the Pants
Six years ago: I’m Back

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One Comment
  1. Mel Says:

    I think you and I both did Color Me Beautiful back in the day – that was one of their tenets, wasn’t it? Cool colors go with silver and warm colors go with gold? I still think it’s very reasonable and mostly I try to stick to it, too, although I am not very consistent about it in my jewelry-making.

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