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WDW 7: The Final Chapter

December 16, 2007

Saturday we got up around 10:30 and made our way to Epcot. We went on an energy adventure with Ellen, and I continued to miss the old songs and the monochromatic dinosaurs because I’m cranky that way. We shopped in Japan and waited in a very long line for kaki gori, because kaki gori is nonnegotiable. I must have my soft shaved ice with fruit-flavored syrup, even if I have to wait for it next to rowdy people who are drinking their way around World Showcase (the kaki gori stand also serves Kirin beer and plum wine). We spent a fair bit of time in China, looking at the exhibit on grave art, watching the movie, and grabbing a quick dinner.

We got back to the Poly with just enough time to change and see the Electrical Water Pageant from the beach. At least we thought we did; it turned out they ran the EWP early because of the fireworks at the Magic Kingdom, which is something the cast member Mr. Karen had asked that morning didn’t know about. We did get outside in time to see the fireworks and later caught up with the EWP over at the Contemporary, where I got to lay in a hammock for all of about two seconds before the floats arrived and I had to get up so I could see them. Still, it was a glorious two seconds. We finished the day in the Magic Kingdom, which was open until midnight so of course we stayed until midnight. Later, actually, since we didn’t exactly rush out of the park after the attractions shut down.

Sunday we had to be out of the room by 11, so we got a wake-up call for 9:15, which seemed ridiculously early. We packed and packed and packed, then stashed our bags with the bell desk and finished out our trip back in the Magic Kingdom, picking up a few attractions we’d bypassed earlier and soaking in the ambience. We took one last monorail ride back to the hotel to meet the limo around 3, then it was back to reality. Our plane boarded on time but then sat on the tarmac for an hour or so waiting for the runway in Detroit to be cleared of snow and ice and re-opened. Good thing I changed from shorts to long pants before we got onboard.


One year ago today, I was in Utah, where I ignored the internet.

Two years ago, I looked back at the month of June.

Three years ago, I took a picture of the sunrise out of the window in our office at home. I was there to see it because I was writing morning pages; I seem to have lost that habit.

Four years ago, I was all “boo hoo, I can’t go skiing next month”. We should all have such problems, I know.

Five years ago, I wrote about my not-as-battered-as-the-year before toenails.

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