This quilt’s for baby Boo, who is already crawling, so it’s about time I got it done. I had the top assembled months ago but got busy and distracted and only finished the whole project last week. Having to go into work really cuts into my sewing time, I tell you what.
I came up with the design by playing around with the same basic unit I’d used for Boo’s sister’s quilt. The starting point for the color scheme was a big, bright floral from my stash, which I used on the back and in the center zig zag. I managed to find the some pieces of coordinating fabrics that I’d cut but not used for big sister Li’s quilt and ended up including some of those, which further pleased my desire to have the two quilts be related.
The quilting is all straight lines, as my aging Singer is not so much liking to do free motion work any more despite the best efforts of the repair shop to rejuvenate it. Because I’m not a fiber purist, I used three different threads for this step (not all at the same time, though): clear monofilament, rayon, and variegated cotton.
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