Hat on Top, Coat Below


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December 16, 2004


One good thing about the days getting shorter is I have a better chance to see the sunrise. In the summer, I sit down at the desk in our home office to write morning pages and it’s already light outside, but in the winter I get to watch the day arrive, stealing glances out the window between paragraphs. Sometimes, what I see is so striking that I stop writing and just look. Sometimes, I go get the camera to try and capture that beauty to enjoy later as well.


One year ago, I was whining about not being able to go ski in January. That’s not going to happen this year. This year I’ve already got my reservations.

Two years ago, it was all about my toenails. Sorry, toe lovers, no pictures in that one. The nail I bruised then has just started to look normal again. I’m hopeful it will stay that way this year–so far, so good, because I don’t see any signs of toe bang.

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