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Archive for January 16th, 2024

Happy Color Organization

January 16, 2024

I will get caught up with my 2024 photo diary soon, but today I want to natter on about Happy Color again, as it’s still occupying a fair bit of my discretionary time. This morning I was reviewing what I had in my In Progress tab. I do my best to keep the images in that tab grouped into sections, with ones I plan to work on soonest at the top. The sections are separated by pictures with many many tiny spaces to color, which I work on in little bits when I complete a section or have to add an image to a section that’s not at the top, which means I have to click through all the pictures above where I want the new one to go. Sometimes there are two or three pairs of these between sections if I’ve recently finished a section and not yet created a new one to replace it. These separator images usually these come from patterns or mandalas categories, like this one in progress:

Screenshot of partially completed picture from Happy Color app. There is a grid of alternating circles and four point star shapes. The ones in a horizontal band in the middle are colored in various shades of orange, blue, purple, green, and berry red.


Section 1 (I plan to finish thse tomorrow at the latest except as noted):

A few days of dailies from last week, and the pics I chose to pair with them, or in one case, quad with them.

Two images for Happy Colors’ birthday later this month. These will go in another section just for that when I get around to making it after I catch up with the dailies.

Two cross country skiing pics (one featuring a mouse in a cardigan) that I pulled forward from the winter section (see below) because I wanted to make them a priority, but they may go back into the winter section now that I’ve looked at all the holidays coming up.

Section 2:

Four leftover Christmas/New Year’s pictures. Two of these have dragons, and I’m saving those for Chinese New Year in February (that will also be its own section when the time comes). Two are winter scenes that I’m putting off finishing to see if I need either of them to pair up with pictures of the month that have yet to be chosen.

Section 3:

Pics of the week from January so far, with their original version counterparts. These will be saved until the picture of the month for January is chosen.

Section 4:

77 (!) winter pics I collected while looking for companions for Christmas pictures. Every time I’d see one in whatever category I’d start it so I wouldn’t have to look for it again if I needed it. This should be an even number but I needed one of them to pair with something else and haven’t replaced it (or restarted another one so it’ll fall off this tabl).

Two mandalas I’m not sure what the story is with—they’re not particularly winter or holiday themed/colored, so I’m guessing I just happened on the pair when I was looking for other things.

Section 5:

Pictures of the week for December waiting on the picture of the month to be chosen so I don’t have to re-do the pair of whichever one gets picked, but given it’s mid-January now, I’m wondering if they’ve discontinued the picture of the month.

Section 6:

The 10 pictures released in the current bonus horoscope series. I’ll finish them when I have all 12.

Section 7:

Four images from the Art category I was working on before the Christmas/New Year flurry of Holiday images, which took priority.

Section 8:

Eight images from the current series of monthly birthday bonus pics. I’ll finish them all when I have 12 during my birthday month of March.

Section 9:

Eighteen mandalas from the Bonus category because it’s easier to find them here to pair with new ones than to search through the bonus category or my bonus spreadsheet.

This may seem like a lot, and it is. I don’t usually have this many pictures in progress but that winter section is an anomoly. I’ll either finish them by spring or restart them and let them return for me to rediscover later (or never).

Based on last year’s pictures, there are more Holidays coming up in January, like the Happy Color birthday mentioned earlier, plus Hug Day, Change a Pet’s Life Day, Australia Day, and Inspire Your Heart with Art Day. I have undone pictures for most of these from prior years, so I’ll be busy if I decide to continue with my complete all the holiday images quest.


On this date in 2019 to 2023: No journal entries
2018: Westward Ho and Back Again
2014 to 2017: No entries
2013: Off and On the Needles
2010 to 2012: No entries
2009: Project Planning
2004 to 2008: No entries
2003: Shoulda Known Better

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