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A Week in Photos: 2023, Part 45

November 14, 2023

Monday, November 6: Winter happening out my back window.

Snow covered trees and bushes viewed through a window.

Tuesday, November 7: The ice and snow on the pavement made an interesting pattern.

Irregular rounded patches of white trapped under ice. The dark grey pavement shows through the ice in between the snow patches.

Wednesday, November 8: It may be looking quite wintery up on the mountain, but it’s still autumn down in town.

Landscape with the glow from the sun on the left edge. A yellow tamarack tree is backlit by the sun in the center of the frame, with a still green willow tree to the right of that.

Thursday, November 9: Mr. Karen returned from a short trip to Boise with this pie. And a 22-ft sailboat.

Looking down at a pie with a wide strips lattice top in a white box with a clear cellophane window. There's a black sticker in the upper left of the box that says Boise and has a drawing of a slice of pie in turquoise ink with boisepieshop.com below that. The pie has a capital B in the center made from crust.

Friday, November 10: Sailboat on a snowy cloudy day before it got moved to a storage barn until spring.

View out a window to a snowy street scene. There's a blue SUV across the street with a sailboat on a trailer that's about the same size as the SUV.

Saturday, November 11: Good thing Mr. K found storage for the boat and got it over there, as we got more winter weather.

View out a window during a winter storm. There are snow blobs on the glass obscuring the snow covered trees and street and mountain on the other side.

Sunday, November 12: The Happy Color app celebrates all sorts of holidays. Today it was Diwali.

Screenshot from a coloring book app. Image shows two hands decorated with henna holding a shallow container with a candle.



On this date in 2022: A Week in Photos: 2022, Part 45
2012 to 2021: No entries
2011: Report Card Monday, 11.14
2008 to 2010: No journal entries
2007: Talos IV on a Tuesday
2006: Run for It
2003 to 2005: No entries
2002: No Thanks

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