Hat on Top, Coat Below


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A Week in Photos: 2022, Part 47

November 29, 2022

A day late for this update not because I wasn’t near a compute but because I got distracted by other things. Undiagnosed ADHD or just aging? Who knows.

Monday, November 21: Mr. K and I loaded up the car and drove to western Washington to spend the holiday week with family. The landscape between Spokane and the Cascades isn’t dramatic but it has its charms.

Landscape with rolling hills, a few trees, blue sky, and clouds between hills and blue sky


Tuesday, November 22: Took advantage of the relative calm before more folks arrived for Thanksgiving to dive into the stuff put in storage from Joan’s house in Illinois and from her assisted living apartment after she died. In going through the large framed art, I found this page from my hometown newspaper from January, 1959, used as padding between a print and the frame back that was disintegrating. I shopped in this store with my mom when I was a kid.

Yellowed page from a newspaper showing an ad for a department store feturing men's dress shirts, womens bras and coats and dresses

Wednesday, November 23: Spent a bit more time in the storage unit. After consulting with Mr. K and his sister, neither of whom wanted it or had any idea who this baby quilt belonged to, I took it. It’s not my style and it’s not in great shape, but I couldn’t just throw it out. Not yet anyway.

Small quilt with a boy wearing a hat that covers his face in each block. The boys are made from colorful scraps of calico prints. The background is plain muslin, yellowed in spots with age. There is prarie point edging made from calico print scraps in place of a binding.

Thursday, November 24: The big day, with a feast for 10. Oddly, we didn’t take a group photo, so all I have is this shot I took of the table just after the first few folks had brought their plates in from the buffet set up in the kitchen.

Dining room table set for Thanksgiving meal

Friday, November 25: Glimpse of the bay between houses in Kathy’s neighborhood.

View of a body of water far in the distance seen between two houses, a lilac one on the left and a deep blue gray one on the right

Saturday, November 26: Looking at the weather forecast, we decided this was the day to head home. We stopped for gas at a truck stop that had already decorated for Christmas.

Tire painted green to look like a wreath and decorated with garland and a banner saying HO HO HO

Sunday, November 27: Back home to our snowy mountain.

View of a ski mountain with the runs covered in snow and a bright blue sky showing between bands of clouds.



On this date in 2021: Thanks Given
2002 to 2020: No entries

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