Hat on Top, Coat Below


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Archive for December 30th, 2016

Facing the Forecast

December 30, 2016

Originally, Mr. Karen and I were planning to stay at his sister’s through the weekend, but after studying the weather forecast, we decided to come home today in order to get ahead of a snowstorm that looked like it would cause some difficulty for us traversing the mountain pass between her house and ours. It was perfectly lovely today when we went through.

Snoqualmie Pass adjacent


Snoqualmie Pass adjacent


Snoqualmie Pass adjacent

So now we are home, and if it snows here, that’s fine, we’ll just walk down to the lifts and ski. No need to drive anywhere or put on chains or risk getting stuck or stranded.


On this date in 2015: Icy
2014: Temptation at the Thrift Shop
2013: Little Karen
2012: Sock Monkey Tries Five Guys
in 2011: Sock Monkeys Redecorate
2010: Sock Monkey Goes Grocery Shopping
2009: Gadgetry
2008: Twilight, The Movie
2007: Fitter
2006: Chilly Afternoon Out
2005: Triplets
2004: Vacation Paddling
2003: Pikachu Loves Me, At Least for Now
2002: Lost Weekend

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