Mountain Chic
December 23, 2015
One of the things that got left behind in Michigan that should have come out here to Idaho was my favorite pair of ski pants. I am still not 100% sure how that happened; I guess I thought since I didn’t see them when I was packing they must have already been out here, like most of the rest of my ski stuff. My guess is they’re in a box that I overlooked when evaluating what needed to get packed to come with us this time. In the grand scheme of things, this was a minor annoyance; I’ve been skiing in the bibs that were out here, and that’s been fine, just a little less convenient when it’s time to pee since I have to take my coat off to get the top of the bibs down. But since we’re going to be doing a lot more skiing than before, I decided I’d just get another pair of pants. I couldn’t find the style I have back in Michigan, but did find a pair in my size on the REI website that weren’t crazy expensive and looked like they’d work, so ordered them. I had to go to the post office in town to pick them up because that’s how things work around here sometimes. (At least I got them that way; the dryer part is coming FedEx and has been on the truck out for delivery two days in a row, on neither of which could they find our condo. I talked to someone today who assured me they now had all the information they needed and we’ll get the part tomorrow. In the meantime, I’ve run out of rubber bands of the right size.)
Today was the first day I wore the new pants, and mostly they’re fine, but wow are they long. At 5 foot 7, I am not used to things being long on me. Apparently the people at Columbia think when ladies get fat they also get tall or something. The length works okay with my ski boots because ski boots are wide at the top and the pant legs sort of bunch up over them. With the hiking boots I wear to and from the hill, the back of the pants are about an eighth of an inch off the ground in back. When I take my hiking boots off when I get home, I’m walking on the pant legs. The length would seem to work best with high heels, so I tried that look out tonight after I shoveled the decks. So chic! So impractical! But the pant legs are neither dragging nor bunched up, so I’ve got that going for me.
On this date in 2014: ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas Eve
2013: WDW Day 7: Downtown Disney and Christmas Party
2012: Sock Monkeys Wish They Knew How to Drive
2011: A Trip Down Memory Lane
2010: Headache
2009: True Then, True Now
2008: Pastel Jungle Quilt
2007: Contented
2006: Mr. Toasty & One Glove, All Alone
2005: Winter Count—September
2004: Snow Day
2003: Rail Fence Baby Quilt
2002: Quilting Outside the Lines