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Archive for March 6th, 2014

Cheese, Cheese, and More Cheese

March 6, 2014

I went to Weetacon in Wisconsin this past weekend, driving over on Thursday and home on Monday after visiting with my mom in Illinois. As usual, it was a lot of fun and lot of socializing, and I came home tired and a little sad. I stopped at Mars Cheese Castle on the way there and the way back. I brought eleven pairs of footwear and wore seven of them (plus donned rental bowling shoes). Three of those pairs were heels, which I modeled with two Igigi dresses (I’ll have more to say about those in a separate entry I’ll post next week). I saw Frozen in an old school single screen theater nicely retrofitted with tables in between the rows of seats. I got snowed on during the sleigh ride. I skipped karaoke. I ate a sushi roll which contained string cheese. I won some things in the raffle but not as many as last year. I triumphed in the coloring contest thanks to strategic use of glittery nail polish. I went to the bar in a kayaking helmet and life jacket (a.k.a. PFD), as one does.

My Weetacon motto

Coincident with last year’s Weetacon, my mom moved to a nursing home for rehab after being in the hospital; by the time I got around to writing about the weekend, she’d moved in with one of my nieces. Well, shortly before this year’s con, my mom and my niece had a big blowup and my niece told my mom she wasn’t welcome to live with her anymore. My brother, bless him, put his life on hold and has been moving mom’s stuff back to her own house (I guess it’s good we didn’t sell it yet), but that’s not a good long term solution, at least not without getting her help with things like errands, doctor appointments, and medication, none of which she seems ready to accept at this point. It’s difficult, and we’re just working through it as best we can.

All my photos from the weekend (well, the ones I thought fit for Flickr) are here.

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