Hat on Top, Coat Below


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Archive for January 1st, 2012

2011 Photo Projects

January 1, 2012

I posted my last pictures from 2011 to Flickr today and thus completed both of my photo projects there for last year. When I wrote about my photo a week group earlier this month, I was thinking I’d skip doing a similar project for 2012, since I was lacking motivation. But today, going through the photos to make a mosaic of my favorites, I see that being in the group pushed me to learn things and do things I wouldn’t have otherwise, and now I’m rethinking my plans. I’m wondering if my procrastination has been more about fear than anything else, fear that my snapshots won’t look as good as the other photos in the pool. If I leave it ’til the last minute, then I can always tell myself I could have done better if I’d had more time. I think it might be good for me to keep pushing myself. I’ve got a few days yet to mull it over.

52 of 2011 Sampler

I did a self-portrait a week project on my own, not as part of any Flickr group. Some weeks I didn’t manage to get my face in any pictures at all, so it’s a good thing I didn’t make that a requirement. I’ll probably continue this effort in 2012, as I still want to get more comfortable with seeing myself in photos.

2011 Self Portrait Sampler

This morning, I joined a photo a day project for 2012. This is the year I turn 50, and I’m looking forward to seeing and documenting what this new decade of life brings. You’re all welcome to come join the fun!


On this date in 2011: 52 and a Half Weeks
2010: Meeting the Challenge
2009: Happy 2009
2008: The Beginning
2007: Good Clutter
2006: Done and Undone
2005: The Shoe Said “Love”
2004: No entry
2003: No entry

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