Sock Monkey Makes a Friend
December 28, 2011
Wheeling the cart around the grocery store with Sock Monkey, as I do from time to time, I came upon a display near the floral section which held a stripey friend for him. $4.99 plus tax later, New Monkey came home with us. Mr. Karen thinks Sock Monkey might be intimidated by New Monkey, who has hands and feet and eyebrows and a tail, among other features. So far they seem to be getting along, though.
On this date in 2010: Sock Monkey Tries the Dyson Airblade
2009: Monday, Monday
2008: New Toy
2007: Possibilities
2006: A Body in Motion
2005: Winter Count—November
2004: The Quilt That Isn’t
2003: No entry
2002: No entry