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Archive for October 24th, 2011

Coming Attractions

October 24, 2011

No goal check-in today, nor will there be many words, as I just got back last night from a little over a week’s vacation and have much catching up to do at work and elsewhere before I can focus on pulling together a coherent entry for this journal. On this trip, Mr. Karen and I went to Southern California to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary by returning to the region where we’d spent our honeymoon. A lot has changed since then, including Disney building a whole new theme park, California Adventure, where we watched the World of Color show on the lagoon seen below. We didn’t spend all our time at Disney; we also visited with family and got tastes of parts of the state we’d never seen before.

One of the places I was last week instead of online

I’ll be back in a day or two or three with more words and pictures, provided the spinning sensation I’ve felt in my head upon standing up a few times today is just normal Monday tiredness exacerbated by jet lag and not something more serious.

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