Hat on Top, Coat Below


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Archive for June 29th, 2011

Raffle Quilt

June 29, 2011

Office Quilt Group Raffle Quilt

Going through my photo files to get the images for yesterday’s entry, I realized I never shared the group quilt I worked on with the ladies in my office this past spring. We made it to be raffled off at our company’s user conference (well, silent auctioned, as it turned out, but I still think of it as the raffle quilt because that was the original idea). One of the ladies got the Day & Night book and ruler from Quilt in a Day and thought that would be a good pattern for us. Four of us went to the quilt shop nearest our office one day after work and picked out the fabrics, all batiks. We had some lively discussion (including input from the guy who’s one of the owners of the shop) before we settled on our final choices. We had three (or maybe four, I don’t remember) evening sessions in the craft room at work to piece the top. The sharp angles and many points in the pattern had me worried at first, but using the ruler and following the directions made it go together really easily.

Office Quilt Group Raffle Quilt

Because we were all super busy and the user conference was fast approaching, we sent it out to be quilted. One of the ladies took it home after that to do the binding, and it was all ready when the conference started.

Office Quilt Group Raffle Quilt

I bid on it but had to leave before the auction ended and didn’t end up winning it. I might have to make one for myself now that I know how easy it is.


In case you’re interested in skin care, make up , or nail polish, I wanted to mention that I’m hosting a giveaway for at $25 Apothica gift card on my nail blog. Please do enter if you like; you don’t have to be a regular reader there. Contest closes July 15, 2011.

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