Hat on Top, Coat Below


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Archive for September 29th, 2008

Crafty Weekend

September 29, 2008

This past weekend, in between running errands and doing laundry and watching football and jogging and walking and wondering if I have some odd type of flu that doesn’t involve feeling sick to my stomach but does involve a slight fever and abdominal pain, I finished a couple of small craft projects. First, I made some pillowcases to fit the travel-sized pillow I’ve recently started sleeping with (sometimes I put it between my knees and sometimes I clutch it to my chest to support my shoulder and that’s probably more than anyone wanted to know). Since I barely know how to function without the internet, I printed out directions from this very journal to guide me along the way. I went shopping for the fabric in my own stash and am quite happy with how cheerful they look. They only vaguely coordinate with our sheets, but I’m okay with that.

I also finished up a dishcloth I started earlier in the week. I got the pattern from Dishcloth Boutique. It took me a few tries to get comfortable with scooping up those strands for the “wings” but overall it was pretty easy to learn the pattern and figure out what came next just by looking at the knitting. Cotton is still far from my favorite thing to knit with, but I’m giving it a few more chances before I move on. Besides, I may have to come up with a few extra dishcloths for a swap that I naively arranged in a non-hostess format (people sent their cloths directly to other participants instead of to one coordinator to distribute them, which means some people haven’t gotten their cloths yet almost a month past the target date).

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